Grammarly vs Smart Edit - Which Writing Assistant is Better for Finding Inconsistencies and Weaknesses in the Narrative?

November 27, 2021


As writers, we know how frustrating it can be to spot grammar and spelling errors, inconsistent sentence structures, and lack of clarity in our narratives. Fortunately, with the advent of technology and the advent of writing and grammar assistants, we can now detect these inconsistencies and weaknesses easily. Two such popular writing assistants in the market are Grammarly and Smart Edit.

But the question is, which one is better suited to help writers find inconsistencies and weaknesses in their narratives? To help you make an informed decision, we will be comparing and contrasting the features, benefits and drawbacks of these two assistants.


Grammarly is an AI-powered writing assistance tool that helps writers improve their grammar, style, and tone. It comes as a browser extension, a desktop application, and a mobile application. Using natural language processing and machine learning, it can detect and correct errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure, and suggest improvements to style and tone.


Grammarly offers the following features:

  • Spelling and grammar checker
  • Punctuation checker
  • Sentence structure analysis
  • Writing suggestions on concision, clarity, vocabulary, style, tone, and more
  • Plagiarism checker (in premium versions)


Grammarly provides several benefits for writers:

  • Enhanced writing quality
  • Increased productivity
  • Faster proofreading, editing and revising
  • Better communication with readers
  • Better grades in academic writing


Grammarly has some drawbacks that you should consider:

  • It can be costly, especially the premium versions
  • It might suggest some stylistic edits that you do not agree with

Smart Edit

Smart Edit is a desktop application that helps writers improve their writing by spotting possible technical, consistency, and style issues that might have gone unnoticed. The app can check manuscripts, novels, short stories, reports, and other forms of writing materials. It focuses on detecting repetitive phrasing, overused words, crutch words, improper use of dialogue tags, inconsistencies, and redundancies.


Smart Edit offers the following features:

  • 20+ checks on technical and style issues
  • Checks for overused words, duplicate phrases, and jargon
  • Consistency checking across various elements of writing
  • Filters to tailor the analysis to individual preferences
  • Notes on every issue found for quick and easy correction


Smart Edit provides the following benefits to writers:

  • Reduced editing and proofreading time
  • Improved writing quality
  • Increased consistency in tone and voice
  • Heightened engagement and reader comprehension


Smart Edit has some drawbacks that you should consider:

  • It is only available as desktop software
  • It does not provide real-time analysis


To compare Grammarly and Smart Edit, we have created a table that shows the differences between both systems:

Feature Grammarly Smart Edit
Spelling & Grammar ✔️
Punctuation Checks ✔️
Writing Suggestions ✔️
Consistency Checking ✔️
Clarity Improvements ✔️
Overused Words Checks ✔️
Desktop Application ✔️ ✔️
Available Online ✔️
Plugins & Extensions ✔️
Price $$ $


In conclusion, both Grammarly and Smart Edit are powerful writing assistants that can help writers find inconsistencies and weaknesses in their narratives. Grammarly is suitable for general writing and is beneficial in detecting more grammar and spelling errors. On the other hand, Smart Edit is geared towards more in-depth manuscript analysis and will help writers improve technical aspects such as consistency, phrasing, and language.

Therefore, the choice between Grammarly and Smart Edit will depend on your specific needs as a writer. If you want real-time writing aid and focus on correcting grammar and spelling, Grammarly may be the ideal choice. However, if you need a deeper analysis of technical inconsistencies and style issues in your works, consider Smart Edit.


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